During the latest Project Meeting held in Prague, kindly hosted by CZ Biom, GreenMeUp project partners reunited to discuss the latest updates regarding the project progress. It was an opportunity to review the latest results and to set the best strategy to achieve the project goals.
The partners gathered also to visit the old Waste Water Treatment Plant in Prague, a really well preserved structure, a piece of historical heritage that testifies human’s technology progress in the field of the waste water disposal.
In the above pictures, partners guided through the Old Waste Water Treatment Plant in Bubeneč, Prague.
Furthermore, the visit continued to a pilot biomethane unit operating in Prague, processing biogas to upgrade it into biomethane, starting from sewage sludge as feedstock (pictures below).
The last stage of the visits, was a farm named FarmaHole, located on North-West from Prague, owned by Mr. Poláček family that opened the doors of this self sustainable place, hosting a biogas plant that produce heat and electricity for the farm, and for the nearby village of Hole, thanks to the processing of local waste from the farm and not only (pictures below).