Enhancing the uptake of biomethane in Europe
Aligning the deployment of biomethane in EU Member States

Biomethane is a key renewable energy source for the decarbonization of EU
It reduces EU’s reliance on natural gas imports
It can be transported and distributed through the existing gas infrastructure
It contributes to the circular bioeconomy enabling the reuse of residues and waste
GreenMeUp is a Horizon Europe project to facilitate the wider market uptake of biomethane in the EU
Three pillars
of GreenMeUp project:
Biomethane market

Designing a set of market uptake measures for biomethane deployment, fostering biomethane production in Member States with less-developed market rates.
Policy framework

Implementing a more solid framework to strengthen the resilience of the gas system, to set the right conditions for a shift from fossil natural gases to renwable low-carbon gases.
Societal awareness

Increasing social acceptance and awareness through science-based evidence, avoiding social barriers and to promote development.

GreenMeUp will contribute to achieving the REPowerEU targets
Diversify energy transition
Diversify energy imports: enhancing the use of bioCH4 in the transport sector.
Accelerate clean energy transition
Scale up biomethane: design of market uptake policy measures and improvement of existing biomethane legislation.